Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Healthy is HOT! Fierce & Fit Challenge

Summer is wrapping up, time to head back to school, look forward to football, pumpkins, Halloween & the coming holidays. Did you rock your bikini this summer? Strut your stuff with confidence? Don’t let your hard work come undone as we cover up more, and take more activities indoors in the coming months. Lets rock our way through a 10 week challenge full of guidance, support, and motivation to keep living a healthy and HOT lifestyle! Whether you are a 7 time veteran, or a brand spankin new newbie, this challenge has plenty to offer you and help you become the best version of yourself!

YOU! grab a buddy and sign up! Welcome to all women wanting to make positive changes! If you've been a challenger before, please join in again! This isn't a 'weight loss' challenge specifically.. Not everyone needs to! For some it may be about losing weight, for some it's about learning how to eat healthier, learning new exercises, building some beautiful muscles, gaining self-confidence, learning how to make a fit life FIT IN YOUR LIFE! It’s all about that balance!

10week program designed to help you learn new healthy habits and incorporate them successfully into your life. 

Program includes:

·         Weekly nutrition and workout goals, lots of pictures and video demos! 

·         Healthy recipes, grocery lists, meal prepping tips and instructions

·         Weekly (or anytime!) discussion topics! Participation in the group is essential to your success - so many different topics and questions get brought up, we discuss and learn!

·         Opportunities to work out together - we will do a group 5k to finish up our challenge, let's get together and keep each other accountable to working up to it!

·         DAILY accountability, motivation, support, laughter in our online facebook group, we share pics of our meals, what we did for a workout that day, what we struggled with, what we accomplished, or things that are totally not challenge related! The group becomes like a big sisterhood.

·         Emphasis on positivity, body confidence, and self love - this is not a competition - this about becoming the best YOU. Not becoming someone else. 

·         Progress tracking via food logging, weigh ins, progress pictures, and body measurements.

Just sign up! Pricing details below:

·         Healthy is HOT challenge only - $100

·         Health is HOT challenge + Advocare 10 day cleanse (ONLY if you order from me) - $75

·         Healthy is HOT challenge + Advocare 24 day challenge - $0.00
!! IF YOU WISH TO KICK THIS CHALLENGE OFF WITH A BANG! – you can order a full 24 day challenge from me and receive a 100% waive on the program fee (this is only applicable if you order your challenge from me, no exceptions) – you only pay for your 24 day challenge, then kick ass with me for the rest of the challenge at no charge!

 Follow the sign up link, comment what option you are selecting when you sign up, once I receive your confirmation email I will send you a paypal link and waiver. I must receive your SIGNED waiver, payment, and advocare order confirmation (if applicable) before you will be added to the group.

 Challenge shirts will be available to order and shipped directly to you! You can customize your own here! Challenge newbie? There's a tank for you! Challenge Vet? There's a tank for you too!! Get your name on the back and other cool gear to rep the team wherever you go! Order yours after you sign up and have it shortly after the challenge opens!


·         Positive attitude! If you HATE working out and you're 'too picky' to try anything new or healthy or refuse to cook, PLEASE, change your attitude and sign up. ;) Be open to change! Have doubts? Shoot me a message! Or ask any of my repeat veterans!

·         Advocare 10 day herbal cleanse (order here) - additional supplements not required but let's discuss anything you're interested in! Personal favs: Catalyst, Thermoplus, Spark, & Slam!

·         Scale and fabric measuring tape for weigh in/body measurements

·         Notebook to track progress

·         Access to MyFitnessPal to log foods, as well as access to Facebook.

·         Food/water (water bottle or jug highly recommended!)

·         Blender ball shaker cup

·         Measuring cups/spoons/food scale

·         Food storage containers for prepped meals - tupperware, baggies, lunchbox, ice pack

·         Gym membership not required, although beneficial, if you wish to workout at home, basic workout equipment is highly recommended! Several sets of dumbells (5’s, 10’s, 15’s), resistance bands, exercise ball, cardio workout dvds, proper exercise shoes/attire, etc..

This program is online based, via a private facebook group where all info will be posted and where you can post whatever you like. All info and pictures are private to those within the group and will not be shared by anyone without permission.

Sign ups end on Friday 9/4/15
Online group opens on Saturday 9/5/15
Challenge starts on Monday 9/7/15 and runs thru Saturday 11/14/15.


sign up here!