Monday, September 30, 2013

Healthy is Hot for the Holidays Challenge

I have gotten quite a few messages from some of my gals around town or awesome women I've met in the gym or through social media, asking me for tips and advice on what to eat and what to do. Trying to keep up with everyone individually is a huge challenge for me right now and I know so many of us has what it takes to truly change our lives through our own positive actions. After participating in a group challenge at the gym I belong to in the beginning of the year, I couldn't believe the success I had. It was absolutely challenging at times, I would get fed up and want pizza or a beer and didn't want to get up early and get in my workout, but I didn't want to let the team down! Having others hold you accountable makes such a huge difference it's unreal. Especially when we are heading into fall - October is here tomorrow! & we all know what that means.. it gets colder, we spend less time outside and want to snuggle up on the couch instead. We reach for warm comfort food instead of fruits & veggies. We overindulge all throughout the holiday season all the while promising ourselves we'll work it off in January because, this year damnit we're sticking to our resolutions! & then we're trying to look all cute our leggings and sweaters & you have bumps and lumps where you don't want em!

What if this fall was different? What if by new years, you were in the best shape you had been in years? What if you had a whole team of support behind you and encouraging you and motivating you? What if you could change your health and accomplish things you never thought you could?

That's what we'll do this fall.


WHO: YOU! Access to facebook and to the group would be most beneficial to those wishing to do this challenge. We will also be using a site called My Fitness Pal which can be downloaded on your smart phone or accessed from your computer.
You need to be willing to work and willing to push yourself. Hopefully some can meet up in person if you belong to the same gym or live in the same area. But you are largely responsible for being honest and working hard. You will get out what you put into this program. There will be times you want to quit, but we will carry each other through. There will be assignments to follow up with like posting pictures of your meals and updating us on your progress weekly with weigh ins, but this takes a lot of self discipline to work! I'm not there to know if you're cheating!
A gym membership is not required for this challenge, although it is helpful as it opens up a lot of great options for you!

WHAT: a 12 week program, based largely online through a private facebook group so that only the members of this challenge can see the posts. The plan will include weekly goals to meet with nutrition and workouts. Assignments like posting food pictures and trying new clean recipes. This will also include several in person meetings for those who wish to attend - field trips to the grocery store to learn how to shop smarter, boot camp style workouts at the park, and completing a 5k as a team. Goal planning and reaching will be a major focus of the challenge, education on nutrition and working out smart instead of longer. Weekly weigh ins will help us keep track of progress, as well as body measurements, progress pictures, and body fat % measurements week 1, 6, and 12. (I will provide the body fat measurement to all who wish me to, as well as measurements, - you will need to weigh in on the same scale each week! So a scale or access to a scale is required!)

WHERE: Online based with several optional in person meetings that will be in the Delaware/Sunbury area. TBA.

WHEN: October 14, 2013 - January 6th, 2013

WHY: We all have our own reasons for wanting to change. Whatever yours is, hold onto it tight and let's kick some ass!!

HOW: The fee for this program will be $60 for the 12 weeks. That's $5/week - which is a pretty good deal for all that you'll get. To join the challenge simply shoot me an email or message me on facebook and let me know you are interested. I will give you my information on how to pay and you're in!

Facebook: Join Healthyishot
Instagram: iris_ea