Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Healthy is HOT! Fierce & Fit Challenge

Summer is wrapping up, time to head back to school, look forward to football, pumpkins, Halloween & the coming holidays. Did you rock your bikini this summer? Strut your stuff with confidence? Don’t let your hard work come undone as we cover up more, and take more activities indoors in the coming months. Lets rock our way through a 10 week challenge full of guidance, support, and motivation to keep living a healthy and HOT lifestyle! Whether you are a 7 time veteran, or a brand spankin new newbie, this challenge has plenty to offer you and help you become the best version of yourself!

YOU! grab a buddy and sign up! Welcome to all women wanting to make positive changes! If you've been a challenger before, please join in again! This isn't a 'weight loss' challenge specifically.. Not everyone needs to! For some it may be about losing weight, for some it's about learning how to eat healthier, learning new exercises, building some beautiful muscles, gaining self-confidence, learning how to make a fit life FIT IN YOUR LIFE! It’s all about that balance!

10week program designed to help you learn new healthy habits and incorporate them successfully into your life. 

Program includes:

·         Weekly nutrition and workout goals, lots of pictures and video demos! 

·         Healthy recipes, grocery lists, meal prepping tips and instructions

·         Weekly (or anytime!) discussion topics! Participation in the group is essential to your success - so many different topics and questions get brought up, we discuss and learn!

·         Opportunities to work out together - we will do a group 5k to finish up our challenge, let's get together and keep each other accountable to working up to it!

·         DAILY accountability, motivation, support, laughter in our online facebook group, we share pics of our meals, what we did for a workout that day, what we struggled with, what we accomplished, or things that are totally not challenge related! The group becomes like a big sisterhood.

·         Emphasis on positivity, body confidence, and self love - this is not a competition - this about becoming the best YOU. Not becoming someone else. 

·         Progress tracking via food logging, weigh ins, progress pictures, and body measurements.

Just sign up! Pricing details below:

·         Healthy is HOT challenge only - $100

·         Health is HOT challenge + Advocare 10 day cleanse (ONLY if you order from me) - $75

·         Healthy is HOT challenge + Advocare 24 day challenge - $0.00
!! IF YOU WISH TO KICK THIS CHALLENGE OFF WITH A BANG! – you can order a full 24 day challenge from me and receive a 100% waive on the program fee (this is only applicable if you order your challenge from me, no exceptions) – you only pay for your 24 day challenge, then kick ass with me for the rest of the challenge at no charge!

 Follow the sign up link, comment what option you are selecting when you sign up, once I receive your confirmation email I will send you a paypal link and waiver. I must receive your SIGNED waiver, payment, and advocare order confirmation (if applicable) before you will be added to the group.

 Challenge shirts will be available to order and shipped directly to you! You can customize your own here! Challenge newbie? There's a tank for you! Challenge Vet? There's a tank for you too!! Get your name on the back and other cool gear to rep the team wherever you go! Order yours after you sign up and have it shortly after the challenge opens!


·         Positive attitude! If you HATE working out and you're 'too picky' to try anything new or healthy or refuse to cook, PLEASE, change your attitude and sign up. ;) Be open to change! Have doubts? Shoot me a message! Or ask any of my repeat veterans!

·         Advocare 10 day herbal cleanse (order here) - additional supplements not required but let's discuss anything you're interested in! Personal favs: Catalyst, Thermoplus, Spark, & Slam!

·         Scale and fabric measuring tape for weigh in/body measurements

·         Notebook to track progress

·         Access to MyFitnessPal to log foods, as well as access to Facebook.

·         Food/water (water bottle or jug highly recommended!)

·         Blender ball shaker cup

·         Measuring cups/spoons/food scale

·         Food storage containers for prepped meals - tupperware, baggies, lunchbox, ice pack

·         Gym membership not required, although beneficial, if you wish to workout at home, basic workout equipment is highly recommended! Several sets of dumbells (5’s, 10’s, 15’s), resistance bands, exercise ball, cardio workout dvds, proper exercise shoes/attire, etc..

This program is online based, via a private facebook group where all info will be posted and where you can post whatever you like. All info and pictures are private to those within the group and will not be shared by anyone without permission.

Sign ups end on Friday 9/4/15
Online group opens on Saturday 9/5/15
Challenge starts on Monday 9/7/15 and runs thru Saturday 11/14/15.


sign up here!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Healthy is HOT! Summer Sizzle Challenge

The weather is finally warming up, summer is just around the corner. This will be the first Healthy is HOT! challenge hosted during the summer months. With bonfires, cookouts, hectic schedules, ice cream cones and lounge chairs everywhere, I'm thinking every could use a little guidance to stay on track this summer!

Join me in an 10 week online challenge group to work on becoming a healthier, hotter you this summer!

YOU! grab a buddy and sign up! Welcome to all women wanting to make positive changes! If you've been a challenger before, please join in again! This isn't a 'weight loss' challenge specifically.. Not everyone needs to! For some it may be about losing weight, for some it's about learning how to eat healthier, learning new exercises, building some beautiful muscles, learning how to make a fit life FIT IN YOUR LIFE!

10week program designed to help you learn new healthy habits and incorporate them successfully into your life. 
Program includes:
  • Weekly nutrition and workout goals, lots of pictures and video demos! 
  • Advorcare 10 day herbal cleanse
  • Healthy recipes, grocery lists, meal prepping tips and instructions
  • Weekly (or anytime!) discussion topics! Participation in the group is essential to your success - so many different topics and questions get brought up, we discuss and learn!
  • Opportunities to workout together - we will do a group 5k to finish up our challenge, let's get together and keep each other accountable to working up to it!
  • DAILY accountability, motivation, support, laughter in our online facebook group, we share pics of our meals, what we did for a workout that day, what we struggled with, what we accomplished, or things that are totally not challenge related! The group becomes like a big sisterhood.
  • Emphasis on positivity, body confidence, and self love - this is not a competition - this about becoming the best YOU. Not becoming someone else. 
  • Progress tracking via food logging, weigh ins, progress pictures, and body measurements.
Program fee is $75, (25% off normal $100), allowing you to incorporate cost of cleanse into the challenge cost. (~$31.50) order at
Follow the sign up link, once I recieve your confirmation email I will send you a paypal link.
Challenge shirts will be available to order and shipped directly to you! You can customize your own here! Challenge newbie? There's a tank for you! Challenge Vet? There's a tank for you too!! Get your name on the back and other cool gear to rep the team wherever you go!
  • Positive attitude! If you HATE working out and you're 'too picky' to try anything new or healthy or refuse to cook, PLEASE, change your attitude and sign up. ;) Be open to change!
  • Advocare 10 day herbal cleanse (order here) - additional supplements not required but let's discuss anything you're interested in! I highly recommend Spark, Thermoplus, Catalyst, and CarbEase.
  • Blender ball shaker cup
  • Scale and fabric measuring tape for weigh in/body measurements
  • notebook to track progress
  • Access to MyFitnessPal to log foods, as well as access to Facebook.
  • Food/water (water bottle or jug highly reccommended!)
  • Measuring cups/spoons/food scale
  • Food storage containers for prepped meals - tupperware, baggies, lunchbox
  • Gym membership not required, although beneficial, if you wish to workout at home, basic workout equipment is highly recommended! a set of dumbells, resistance bands, exercise ball, cardio workout dvds, etc..
This program is online based, via a private facebook group where all info will be posted and where you can post whatever you like. All info and pictures are private to those within the group and will not be shared by anyone without permission.

Sign ups end on Friday 5/15/15
Online group opens on Saturday 5/16/15
Challenge starts on Monday 5/18/15 and runs thru Saturday 7/25/15.
sign up here:

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Strong at Heart 💪❤️

The story you are about to read is near and dear to me. Miss Brittney and I (and her twin sister and my twin sister) have been great friends since we met in middle school. We had sleep overs, played soccer together in high school, worked together as waitresses, parties, dances, all the good high school things 😊
Brittney has always been a huge supporter of healthy is hot, from the very beginning in 2009. She has always encouraged me to keep it up and let me know that the message was reaching people, inspiring people. 
When I did my very first challenge Britt signed up right away. I have always known growing up that Brittney had had several open heart surgeries, I had seen her scar and she openly answered our questions. It made her no different than any of us. Her heart never ever slowed her down or seemed to give her any problems. She kicked ASS in high school soccer and in our first challenge. I could always count on Britt, killing the workouts, prepping food, and most importantly, being an awesome teammate to the other girls. Always quick with a smile and words of wisdom and kindness. What a woman she is! As we completed our first challenge, Brittney and her hubby found out they were expecting a wonderful surprise, a baby boy! 💙 Even then, she signed up for the next challenge to stay accountable, eat well, stay active, and grow a perfect tiny human. 🙌 Her pregnancy went amazingly well, we talked at length about the lists of complications she could face, but she never seemed scared. She was confident and educated. Thats what I admire most about Britt, she doesn't lose her cool in the face of the unknown. She seeks answers, learns, prepares. What an amazing role model! 
After the birth of her son, Brittney did face complications that landed her in the hospital for weeks. With a newborn at home and herself stuck in the hospital, there were never pity parties. Her posts were, here I am, fighting this fight. Just wanting to get home to her family. 
Here we are now, months later, & Brittney is kicking ass in the healthy is HOT Winter Wonder Woman challenge. The road was long, but she battled all the way down it. 👊💥 & still is! 
This past year has really opened my eyes to how strong and amazing my friend really is. I asked her to share her story because it is beautiful. Our health is something we all take for granted. So many people who are perfectly 'healthy' wreck their precious gift of health by not taking care of themselves. Brittney, living with CHDs is striving to be as healthy as she can! She is doing this for her son and husband, her whole big amazing family, and herself. She is such a positive role model to anyone who knows her.  I know her story will touch many, and be a ray of hope for anyone. So please, read! Love ya B! 💜👯


Hi all! My name is Brittney I am 26 years old. Married to my best friend, we have 4 furbabies and a 6month old little boy! Iris asked me to share my fitness journey with you all!  Before I was born the doctors discovered I had Congenital Heart Defects (CHDs) they didn't know exactly which CHDs or how severe they were. One doctor even told my mom she should consider aborting me.. Thankfully she choose life. I've had 2 open heart surgeries. Growing up my parents didn't realize how important eating a balanced diet was for me but I was always an active kid even though the docs said I wouldn't be. After my last OHS at 11 I hit a big growth spurt and packed on some pounds .. I was used to being a tiny little kid, that was the first time I remember being uncomfortable with my weight. Fast forward to high school when I really started being uncomfortable with my weight. Thankfully Iris encouraged me to join soccer with her (not because I was uncomfortable with my weight) I loved soccer and made some great long time friends.  I started to lose some weight and was also happy because I felt like I could eat all the food I wanted . WRONG! As soon as soccer season was over, I started gaining weight. That's when my mom and sister joined weight watchers and so did I. I started learning about portion control and watching what I was eating. It definitely helped me lose weight and feel better about myself, but I was never consistent with it. Then came high school graduation and soon after starting college. Pretty stressful time and man am I a stress eater. I moved in with my hubby and all we would eat was fast food and massive amounts of junk food. That year I went to my annual cardiology appointment I've had the same cardiologist since I was a baby .. First thing he said to me was why have you gained so much weight ?! Wahhhhhh that was really hard to hear. So I joined weight watchers again and really tried to stick with it. But like before I let my busy life be an excuse to stop me from taking care of myself. 2011 I got married and started nursing school I noticed how one of my class mates was always packing her lunch and eating every couple of hours in class. I became friends with her and she told me about how she eats "clean" and her boyfriend is a personal trainer. About that time I really started following Iris's blog and her Helathy is HOT! FB page for motivation and tips. I was using Jillian Micheals work out videos  and feeling much better about my weight and myself. Graduated nursing school and of course fell off AGAIN :(! a fellow co worker and I would talk food and workouts and show each other our fav IG accounts. Mine of course being Iris's ;) of all the fitness pages I follow she has always been honesty and truthful with her journey and admits how hard it is to stay on track. I finally realized I needed to take control of my health make it a priority. I should have been all along. I do have CHDs and if I want to live a long happy life this is my best bet. 
My coworker started working out with a personal trainer and got meal plans from her. She then made me up a meal plan and workouts and the weight literally started coming OFF so easy. It felt so good to be taking care of myself. Then Iris started her challenges and I knew it was something I needed to be a part of. I did the challenge and really started understanding food my body responded best too and I felt fantastic & I freaking lost weight DURING the HOLIDAYS. I had hit my lowest weight since high school but more importantly I felt fantastic. Then in Jan 2014 I found out I was pregnant. A lot women with CHDs cant have children there hearts can not handle it. We sorta had an uh oh! :) I had to start seeing a high risk OB and switched to an Adult Congential Heart doctor immediately. I was happy, scared, nervous, anxious, but feeling extremely blessed. There were so many possible complications for my little guy and I. Miscarrying, blood clots for me, my CHDs being passed on to my little guy, delivering early, I was told typically at 30 weeks baby's growth stops & the list went on. All these things I new I couldn't control but I knew I could control what I ate and how I took care of myself and because of Iris I had all the tools to do so. She started a spring challenge and I joined. I wasn't very active in the group but logged in every day to stay motivated. We were closely monitored by the OB and cardiologist. I worked 5-6 days a week,gained 28lbs and at 36.5 weeks my water broke. Christian J.Patten Fields made his entrance into this world after 11hrs of labor at 5lbs 12oz 19.5in long and was heart healthy. Thank you lord! Literally the best day of my life! My heart did fantastic throughout pregnancy and the birth my cardiologist told me I was the best she had ever seen. Again thank you lord!  Then boom 2 weeks post partum I ended up in the ER with excruciating abdominal pain. I was kept over night for observation where they ensured my mom I did not have infection. The next day I went septic, which in turn did all kids of lovely things to my heart and I was in the hospital for the next month. I was pumped with so much fluid I gained about 25lbs an I went into congestive heart failure. Not to be dramatic but I almost lost my life- It is now 6 months later and I am feeling like myself again. When I saw that Iris was hosting another challenge I didn't care how sick I was I knew I needed to join in. I knew I needed to take back control of my health not just for me but for my little man. I am determined to stay happy, healthy and strong for him. Iris has given me the tools to succeed and the confidence to know that even if I screw up one day or hell one month I know I can get back on track. So believe me when I say if I can do it so can you! 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Healthy is HOT! Winter WonderWoman Challenge



LOL! Can anyone relate to feeling like this come bathing suit season?? 

You know what will be here before we know it? Before we have time to get our act together and get to the gym on our own and REALLY buckle down and eat better (REALLY THIS TIME!)??
Say it with me girls, "Spring! SPRING! SPRINGGGG!!!"
Hard to imagine right now with these face chapping temps that make you want to snuggle under a blanket on the couch with cocoa and netflix, but it is coming, no matter what we do. These next 8 weeks will come and go, the question is what will you be doing during that time?? Will you be stuck under the blankets, refusing to come out until the daisies do? Or will you be working on YOU! Learning, developing, and implementing new healthy habits that are specific to YOU and work for YOU? Working up a sweat, slimming down, clearing your mind of negativity like the ice melting away, replacing it with positivity and self love, like the flowers popping back up after a long winter. 

Join me in an 8 week online challenge group to work on becoming a healthier, hotter you by the first day of Spring!! :D 

YOU! grab a buddy and sign up! Welcome to all women wanting to make positive changes! If you've been a challenger before, please join in again! This isn't a 'weight loss' challenge specifically.. Not everyone needs to! For some it may be about losing weight, for some it's about learning how to eat healthier, learning new exercises, building some beautiful muscles, learning how to make a fit life FIT IN YOUR LIFE!

8 week program designed to help you learn new healthy habits and incorporate them successfully into your life. 
Program includes:

  • Weekly nutrition and workout goals, lots of pictures and video demos! 
  • Advorcare 10 day herbal cleanse
  • Healthy recipes, grocery lists, meal prepping tips and instructions
  • Weekly (or anytime!) discussion topics! Participation in the group is essential to your success - so many different topics and questions get brought up, we discuss and learn!
  • Opportunities to workout together - Zumba & piloxing in Sunbury, OH, or hook up with other challengers in your area and find a local gym to keep each other on track! Group 5k (weather permitting)
  • DAILY accountability, motivation, support, laughter in our online facebook group, we share pics of our meals, what we did for a workout that day, what we struggled with, what we accomplished, or things that are totally not challenge related! The group becomes like a big family.
  • Emphasis on positivity, body confidence, and self love - this is not a competition - this about becoming the best YOU. Not becoming someone else. 
  • Progress tracking via food logging, weigh ins, progress pictures, and body measurements.
Program fee is $75, (25% off normal $100), allowing you to incorporate cost of cleanse into the challenge cost. (~$31.50) order at
Follow the sign up link, once I recieve your confirmation email I will send you a paypal link.
Challenge shirts will be available to order and shipped directly to you!

  • Positive attitude! If you HATE working out and you're 'too picky' to try anything new or healthy or refuse to cook, PLEASE, change your attitude and sign up. ;) Be open to change!
  • Advocare 10 day herbal cleanse
  • Blender ball shaker cup
  • Scale and fabric measuring tape for weigh in/body measurements
  • notebook to track progress
  • Access to MyFitnessPal to log foods
  • Food/water (water bottle or jug highly reccommended!)
  • Measuring cups/spoons/food scale
  • Food storage containers for prepped meals - tupperware, baggies, lunchbox
  • Gym membership not required, although beneficial, if you wish to workout at home, basic workout equipment is highly recommended! a set of dumbells, resistance bands, exercise ball, cardio workout dvds, etc..
This program is online based, via a private facebook group where all info will be posted and where you can post whatever you like. All info and pictures are private to those within the group and will not be shared by anyone without permission.

Sign ups end on Friday, 1/23/15
Online group opens on Saturday 1/24/15
Challenge starts on Monday 1/26/15 and runs thru Friday 3/20/15 (first day of Spring!)