Coffee break?! Fetch your java on pedal!! Great present for any bikers in your life (or yourself!!), the Bar Hopper Drink Holder snaps onto your handlebars and will hold any to-go drink... ride away without a spill! :)
Skip the Ouch: Researchers from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark report that no matter how you move, exercise eases back and shoulder pain. Aerobics builds muscle endurance and weight training repairs cells. To best the ouch, add both to your routine.
Yoga = Gut check time?: A study in the Journal of the American Dietetics Association found that yoga may make you more mindful of your munching. Those who did yoga for at least an hour each week were less likely to overeat than non-yoga-ers. Other activities didn't have the same effect... Many schools offer yoga as a class... I'm taking Yoga next quarter at Ohio State!
A Matter of Time: A study from the Harvard School of Public Health shows that only one third of adults surveyed know how much exercise is needed to be healthy. Be in the know!! The American College of Sports Medicine in Indianapolis calls for 150 moderate-intensity or 90 vigorous minutes of activity each week. Keep a log and hit your mark!!
Fit Foods: We all know too much fat = bad! But how bad and why? A fatty diet can take a toll in your workout in just a couple days, according to a study in The FASEB Journal. Fat-fed rats could run only 50% as far as those on a lowfat diet. Fat is an inefficient energy source, so your muscles can't effectively use it as furl. Try to get no more than 35% of calories from fat, and focus on the good-for-you ones from wild salmon and avocados.
(Try an easy recipe for oven baked salmon
Lighten and Brighten!: Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania say that slimming down might help reduce depression in overweight people. Depressed folks who dropped around 8% of their weight in six months felt their symptoms improve. Of course! Healthier = Happier!!
Tea Time: Elixir of youth? White tea has potent antioxidants that may help lessen your risk for cancer, arthritis, and skin aging, reveals a study from Kingston University in London. A mug a day could go a long way.
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