No need to panic yet though.. there's still plenty of time to get in shape. We have a good couple weeks before it's certifiable swimsuit time. So why not start shaping up now, instead of in the dressing room with pale, fleshy roles staring you in the face in a couple weeks? (graphic, but I'm just being real people!) There is nothing worse than bathing suit shopping after months of cold weather full of warm bulky clothes and comfort food. Cuz guess what? There it all is, exposed for the world to see, and if you haven't been taking care of business in the off season, it ain't pretty.
So check your excuses at the door NOW. I don't care if you don't have time or it's too cold or you don't know where to start. MAKE TIME. PUT ON A HOODIE. FIND OUT.
"Those who think they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness."Edward Stanley (1826-1893) from The Conduct of Life
Need more motivation?
There you go. Now, go clean out your cupboards of foods that work against you instead of for you and get a good workout in. You'll be great. You'll look fabulous. You'll get compliments. And maybe a spray tan wouldn't be a bad idea.... That way you can nix the fleshy roles AND pale components of swimsuit shopping in a couple weeks ;)
Here's a couple workout plans aimed specifically at getting you bikini ready:
And an awesome healthy eating resource of recipes:
Dunno if anyone noticed... but Pink is wearing a heart rate monitor! ;) The black band below her bathing suit top is reading and sending her heart rate to her watch! Perhaps she's doing a little heart rate zone training ;) We have these types of heart rate monitors available @ the RPAC, just ask someone! :)