I'll be the first to admit... running is not my favorite pastime. I'm not one to get up at the crack of dawn to squeeze in 6 miles before school and work. Probbbbbably not gonna happen. I've usually preferred the EFX or bike in the gym 100 times over the treadmill.
However... I've been wanting to put together a little team for Healthy is Hot and run a 5k... At first I was like.. WHY AM I DOING THIS AGAIN?? I HATE THE TREADMILL!!!!! But Ohio's bipolar weather seems to be finally warming up and I got outside to the park with my sister & friend and remembered. It's so beautiful out.. You don't need any equipment. You just need your shoes and a little stretching and you're off! :) It's great to do it with a group for support and motivation. Oshun, Sam & I just caught up on our chatting while we got in a great workout.
I think people get turned off by running because they try to do too much too fast. You get out there, iPod blaring some tunes, cute jogging outfit, and you're off to a great start!! for about 5 minutes... you get out of breath, you get that stitch in your side, your legs feel like lead weights, and you wonder why on earth people do this for fun. WHY?!
If you're just starting out, or already pretty athletic but just not a big fan of running, it's better to start off slow... Don't worry about speed, that will come as your muscles and bones get stronger.
So I did a little research and found a training program online called "Couch to 5k". Osh, Sam and I have been following it so far with great results. I look forward to the run everytime. This is a 9 week program developed for beginners, and if you start today, you can be ready to go by May 16th... and join my Healthy is Hot team while we run the 5k at Columbus' "Race for the Cure" that helps raise money for breast cancer. It's only $30.00 to register, you get a tshirt with registration... I'm hoping to get a little something made that we can wear to represent us as a team.You can read more about the details at
http://www.komencolumbus.com/ and read more about the team I'm putting together on my facebook page. So! If you're interested... check out this training program, eat well, sleep well, drink your water and let me know!! :) By May you can transform yourself from a couch potato to a fitness fruit ;) You'll transform your body and feel great about yourself. It's a win-win!! :D
Week 1:
3 times a week - 5 minute brisk warm up walk - alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for 20-30 minutes (for beginners) or 30-40 minutes (for those who are new to running, but not working out)
Week 2:
3 times a week - 5 minute brisk warm up walk - alternate 90 seconds of jogging and 2 minutes of walking for 20-30 minutes (for beginners) or 30-40 minutes (for those who are new to running, but not working out)
Week 3:
3 times a week - 5 min brisk warm up walk - alternate 90 seconds of jogging, 90 seconds walking, 2 min jogging, 2 min walking for 20-30 minutes (for beginners) or 30-40 minutes (for those who are new to running, but not working out)
Week 4:
3 times a week - 5 min brisk warm up walk - jog 3 minutes, walk 90 seconds, jog 5 minutes, walk 2:30 minutes, jog 3 minutes, walk 90 seconds, jog 5 min for 20-30 minutes (for beginners) or 30-40 minutes (for those who are new to running, but not working out)
3 times a week -
day 1 - 5 minute brisk warm up walk - alternate jogging 5 minutes, walk 3 min for 20-30 minutes (for beginners) or 30-40 minutes (for those who are new to running, but not working out)
day 2 - 5 minute brisk warm up walk -alternate jogging 8 minutes, walking 5 minutes for 20-30 minutes (for beginners) or 30-40 minutes (for those who are new to running, but not working out)
day 3- 5 minute brisk warm up walk - jog 30 minutes - no walking! You can do it!! :)
Week 6:
3 times a week -
day 1 - 5 minute brisk warm up walk - Jog 5 minutes, walk 3 minutes, jog 8 minutes ,walk 3 minutes, jog 5 minutes for 20-30 minutes (for beginners) or 30-40 minutes (for those who are new to running, but not working out)
day 2 - 5 minute brisk warm up walk - alternate jogging 10 minutes, walking 3 minutes for 20-30 minutes (for beginners) or 30-40 minutes (for those who are new to running, but not working out)
day 3 - 5 minute brisk warm up walk - jog 30 min - no walking!
Week 7:
3 times a week - 5 minute brisk warm up walk - jog 30 min - no walking!
Week 8:
3 times a week - 5 minute brisk warm up - jog 35 minutes - no walking!
Week 9:
3 times week - 5 min warm up - jog 40 minutes - no walking!
You're ready for the 5k!! Give it your best!
Now, I extended the times on these from the suggested plan.. I feel like I want to go longer than the suggested 25 minutes to get a good workout.. if it's too much to start out with, start the workouts with only going 25 min & working up to 30 and then 40. Don't push yourself too hard and cause injury. If you need to spend more time at a certain level, repeat a week. The important thing is to keep doing it. Don't give up!!
Eating well, getting a good nights sleep, and staying hydrated are important parts of this equation too. In a few weeks, you'll feel amazing. Even in a few days.
For this upcoming 5k, we're also incorporating strength training into our workout.. two times a week. A combination of time under resistance style (to tone muscle) and classic style (to build muscle).
I suggest keeping a notebook throughout this program.. write down your goals and daily workouts and food you ate that day. It will just help you keep track of your progress and take a look at your diet. Visitng your doctor and getting a physical before starting any training program is always a good idea, especially if you're new to working out. Seeking the help of a registered dietician can help you get your diet on track too! :)
Hope to see you May 16th in Columbus @ Race for the Cure!!