After an uneventful spring break, today has seemed extra long and I'm dragging! I don't like to drink energy drinks... all the caffeine gives me a killer headache & carbonation makes me feel full & gross. Found this article in Health magazine.. seemed appropriate for today :)
10 Best Natural Energy Boosters
1. Sweet Sunshine
Ever notice how the sun can just put you in a great mood? Not surprising since vitamin D helps fight colds, and even cuts your risk of breast cancer, but it also boots your mood and energy level. A half hour is all it takes, so get outside on your lunch break, or if you just can’t get out, open the blinds!
2. Berry Bright
1 cup of strawberries has 130% of your daily requirements of vitamin c, which is crucial for turning fat into energy. Skip the C and your body will use protein or carbs, which leads to lactic acid buildup in your muscles, leaving you feeling tired and slow.
3. Embrace your inner chocoholic
Next time you need a pick me up, reach for some dark chocolate. The flavanols fight fatigue and improve your mental sharpness but dilating your blood vessels, allowing more blood to reach your brain which keeps you more alert. Other foods packing flavanols? Red wine, broccoli, blueberries, tea, and onions.
4. Strike a pose
In yoga, back bends are believed to stimulate your adrenal glands, giving you a little rev in your engine. Poses like the Camel opens the chest, allowing air to flow easily into and out of the lungs - keeping the brain awake and alert.
5. Walk it out
Head out for a little stroll on your lunch break and you’ll feel perkier for the remainder of your day. Brief bouts of low intensity exercise can increase energy by 20% and reduce fatigue by 65%.
6. Eat oatmeal in the AM
The magnesium in this heart healthy breakfast breaks down glucose and turns it into energy. Top your bowl with some magnesium rich sliced almonds and you’ve got a super-fueled way to start your day.
7. Lend a helping hand
8. Press here
9. Take an afternoon siesta
A 20 minute afternoon cat nap is more effective at beating drowsiness than sleeping in, and provides longer lasting energy than a small cup of coffee.
10. Straighten up
Slouching actually makes your muscles work harder to hold your body upright. Just 15 mins of slouching strains muscles in your back, neck, and shoulders. Give yourself a mental check… if you’re boasting poor posture take a deep breath, lift your head toward the sky and roll your shoulders back.
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