Sunday, October 17, 2010


I got an invite on my Facebook page to join in on END FAT TALK week. So I clicked and found a page dedicated to trying to change the conversation women are having about their body image. Too often when we look in the mirror or see someone else & what do we say?

"Ugh this looks awful."
"I need to lose weight."
"Ew, look how fat I look."
"What is that girl thinking? She's way too fat to wear that."

On a recent trip to Polaris mall with my best friend, I was standing in the dressing room at Forever 21 and saw a girl, probably about 13 or 14 years old come out of one of the rooms in a cute summer dress. She stepped in front of the mirror with a look of disgust, sucked in, and turned to the side. Now this girl was by no means overweight. She was tall and slender, but not a stick figure. She had long beautiful hair and a pretty face. She looked perfectly healthy.
"Oh my god, ew, look!"
& she pinched her sides and sucked in some more before rushing back into her room to change.

On the way out of the store, Rach and I talked about all the negativity in the dressing rooms. Girls judging themselves and their bodies, not feeling good enough or skinny enough or maybe their butts too big or their boobs are too small. It's ridiculous. We've all fallen victim to it at one time or another.

So this is what END FAT TALK week is about. Stop putting yourself down. Don't put others down to be mean or petty. Or maybe you're not even realizing that you're doing it. Stop and think before you open your mouth. Before you glare down at your belly or glare at your frame, remember that it's with you everyday. Be thankful for your health. Be thankful for a healthy body that works and supports you and functions properly. Be thankful for your strong legs that carry you throughout your day. Your arms that hug the people you love. Your face that lights up someone else's day.
When you look in the mirror, name 5 things about the way you look that you like. Leave a post it note in a public bathroom that simply says "You look BEAUTIFUL" <3 We must spread the word.

Let's change the conversation about body image ladies. END FAT TALK week is October 18th - October 22nd, 2010.

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