Tuesday, June 29, 2010

8 ways to Work out for (almost) Free!

Save some dough & lose those rolls ;)

1. Get outside & play!
A no brainer with the hot summer months! :) Just like when we were kids on summer break from school, just itching to get outside & play. We just weren't as worried as burning calories back then! Recreational sports like softball, volleyball & basketball are great exercise. Grab a group of friends & join your local rec league! (this is also a great way to meet new people & insure yourself a fun summer!)

2. Buy used equipment:
With summer comes yard sales. Hit up your local sales, the goodwill, or check out Craigslist.org. I got my eliptical on Craigslist (the seller was asking $200, but knocked off $50 since I came & picked it up & am a poor college student - haha) same story with my stepper ($35!)  --> this bike I salvaged just the other day from a lday that didn't want it anymore!

3. Check it out:
Borrow fitness DVDs from friends or the library. That way you can keep changing up your weekly workout & keep those muscles guessing!

4. Be a stair master:
Scope out local highschool or college stadiums & ask about public access hours. Step to it!

5. Team up:
If personal training is something you really want to try, but can't front the cost, pair up with a friend and split the cost.

6. Move with the tube:
FitTV offers around the clock workout and health programming. Don't have cable or satellite? Check out fittv.discovery.com to watch fitness vid's online!

7. Cut Coupons:
Gyms offer free passes or intro personal training passes. If you find a location you love, haggle for a good membership rate.

8. Put it on your 'Pod:
Many fitness websites have free podcasts that offer exercises, workout tips, and recipes.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Before you hit the gym, sip this!

Shake of the Month! From Oxygen Magazine... seemed like an easy recipe so I tried it out & love it! :)

Lemon Plum Blast
ready in 5 minutes; makes 1 serving
2 small pitted plums
2 tbsp lemon juice
1/2 cup low-fat plain yogurt
1/4 cup water
1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder 
                                                    ice cubes

Place ingredients in a blender & blend thouroughly! :)

Yogurt can help prevent cramping during exercise
Whey protein powder increases your changes of building more calorie-scorching lean muscle because it contains essential amino acids leucine, which is key to muscle recovery, growth & repair.
Plums are in their peak season right now, & they deliver energy boosting carbs and vitamin C to help stop muscle soreness.

For best results drink this shake 45 minutes before an hour-long workout. :)


Have a recipe you love? Email it to me at HealthyIsHot@gmail.com & it coule be featured on the blog!! :)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

HFCS: to blame for the obesity epidemic?

Lately, high-fructose corn syrup has been under high scrutiny for its role in the obesity epidemic.  HFCS has taken so much flack that organizations such as Corn Refiners Association and The Corn Farmers Coalition are running commercials and campaigns to ward off this negative stigma.

The Corn Farmers Coalition is launched a major media blitz this spring, taking their message directly to capitol hill. “It’s an education-oriented campaign for decision makers in D.C., congressional staffers, folks from environmental groups, think tanks—anybody that’s part of the discussion that’s affecting policy,” Mark Lambert, coaltion director, says. “We’re not discussing any particular policy. We’re just trying to put positive messages out there to reinforce what modern agriculture is like, who is farming, how they’re farming and the improvements in the industry.” The campaign features advertising throughout the Washington Metro rail system, inside Union Station, Capitol Hill media outlet Web sites and even in the Washington Nationals baseball team’s home game programs. The program is estimated to cost $1 million.

As consumers, we want to know the real deal. Cut out all the profit-conscience busniessmen and advertisements. Should we eat it, or not? HFCS is found on the majority of nutrition labels in your kitchen I bet. Why the sudden attention now? 
You decide what you put in your body, here's a little info to help you make those decisions.

What is High-Fructose Corn Syrup?

HFCS comes down to everyone's favorite subject; chemistry. Sugar and HFCS have the same biochemistry. The main difference is that HFCS is manufactured from corn syrup (primarily glucose), which undergoes enzymatic processing to increase the fructose content and is then mixed with glucose. Pure sugar is also composed of glucose and fructose but in marginally different concentrations. Both are calorie dense, about 16 calories per teaspoon, with no nutritional value.

Thanks to corn subsidies, HFCS has become a cheap alternative to sugar and is often added to pop and processed foods - foods that offer little nutritional value and, when consumed too much, as is often the case, contribute to weight gain. But is this due to the HFCS?

The Charges?

Critics have said HFCS plays a direct role in obesity by disrupting the normal functions of metabolism. According to a recently published Princeton study, rats fed a diet rich in HFCS accumulated more belly fat and had higher levels of circulating triglycerides (i.e., fat)  both factors in metabolic syndrome, a precursor to heart disease - than their sugar-fed peers.

The Defense?

A number of nutrition experts dispute these findings, suggesting that the data produced inconsistent results. Previous studies have shown that fructose is metabolized differently than glucose and excessive amounts of fructose interfere with appetite-regulating hormones and lead to increased fat accumulation. But HFCS is not any higher in fructose than the standard table sugar - both are about a 50/50 mix of glucose and fructose. An excess of either is unhealthy.

How HFCS (and table sugar) can hurt your health -

What we do know for sure is that when excessive sugar intake (in any form) increases, so does risk of diabetes and heart disease. We also know that liquids do not register in the body the same way as solid food, and people hardly ever compensate for those extra calories in drinks by eating less throughout the day. As people drink more sugar-sweetened beverages, they gain more weight and, as a result, are at a greater risk of developing diabetes and heart disease. This is, of course, regarding the fact that most soda companies sweeten their drinks with HFCS.

Sugar-sweetened beverages are the main source of added sugar and the leading source of calories in our diet. When added to drinks, all sweeteners, including natural ones like brown sugar, sugar in the raw, agave syrup and honey, contribute empty calories. Since 1980, calorie intake has increased by an average of 150 to 300 calories per day with about half of those calories coming from liquids - sugar-sweetened beverages in particular. At the same time, there has been no increase in physical activity levels. Americans are eating more and exercising the same, and wondering where the pounds are coming from.

The Verdict?

Is a single ingredient soley to blame? If we eliminate HFCS from the ingredients list will the rise in obesity head toward a decline? No, and to suggest so is confusing and not helpful to consumers. People seem to want someone to blame... (McDonalds and the fast food industry in general, vending machines in schools, HFCS...) but really, when you consume foods carelessly and uninformed, the blame really belongs to the consumer. We need to know what we're putting in our bodies and what our body will do with it. Eliminate HFCS? Try eating less sugar and processed foods in general. That will help you drop pounds. I'm not saying that HFCS is a good thing or that all the media attention is unwarranted, I'm just saying we need to be responsible for our bodies. Calories in, calories out. That's what it has always been about.

For example:

One 12-ounce can of Pepsi contains 150 calories and about eight teaspoons of added sugar, or HFCS (The American Heart Association recommends Americans limit their sugar intake to about 100 calories per day for women and 150 calories per day for men (about 5 and 9 tsp). With one can of pop, a woman has gone over and a man has used up almost all his allowance.
At the same time, the same amount of orange juice has 165 calories and more than eight teaspoons of sugar, just in its natural form.
If you're looking to add vitamins and minerals, the OJ is the smarter choice, but if weight maintenance is your goal, you should steer clear of both. When it comes to energy, it's unlikely that your body registers natural sugar any differently than table sugar or HFCS.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


I first saw P.R. Cole on SpikeTV, while Spike was doing a segment on her company - Fuel the Figher LLC. As someone who loves MMA and knows many fighters personally, I've seen the results of fighters trying to cut too much weight too fast in preperation for a fight. It can be a very unhealthy process to the fighter and doesn't leave the fighter in top form for the big night. That's why companies like Cole's are so important.
Her story is proof to us all that through hard work and determination, you can make you dreams come true. Which is exactly what I plan on doing.  THANKS COLE!!

Here's her story:

I feel incredibly fortunate to be among those who wake up every morning excited to get to work. I’m a sports nutritionist for professional and amateur combat athletes. My clients range from casual athletes to elite mixed martial arts (MMA) competitors in the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). My company Fuel the Fighter LLC was established in 2009 with the goal of providing the most scientifically accurate nutrition information for combat athletes. My approach is customized for each client to take into account food preferences, training schedule, long term goals and cooking ability.

People often ask me how I became interested in this unique niche. As a kid I really enjoyed being physically active and athletic. I competed in gymnastics, took ice skating lessons and played lacrosse in high school. Besides being active, I grew up with a love of science and nutrition and decided to devote my academic studies to the field. As an undergraduate at Barnard College of Columbia University I took on pre-med requirements and earned a bachelors in biochemistry.

After graduation I spent 2 years as the senior research technician in the auto-immunity and inflammation laboratory within the rheumatology research division of Manhattan’s Hospital for Special Surgery. Around that same time I delved into the practice of Tae Kwon Do and Muay Thai kickboxing. As a martial artist I couldn’t help but fall in love with the sport of MMA.

When it was time to continue my graduate education, I decided to take the necessary steps to turn my personal passion for health into a career. I chose to return to Columbia for my degree because of the dual masters program that they offer in nutrition & exercise physiology. It seemed natural to begin the process of merging my two greatest interests, sports nutrition and MMA. As a devoted MMA fan I noticed there was a lack of quality nutrition education for athletes and I made it my life’s goal to fill that gap.

In 2008 I started work as the sports nutrition columnist for FIGHT! Magazine, the top selling national MMA publication. As athletes began to approach me for customized meal plans and consultations, I decided to officially launch Fuel the Fighter LLC. I’ve traveled across the country to give seminars at training centers and I’ve contributed an article for the Nevada State Athletic Commission’s website. My most recent publication is the sports nutrition section of acclaimed MMA trainer Greg Jackson’s latest book The Ground Game, which will be published in the summer of 2010.

This summer I will complete my graduate studies and will take the exam to obtain my registered dietitian (RD) credentials with the American Dietetic Association. At the end of the summer I will be moving my consulting practice to Las Vegas, the heart of the mixed martial arts community. I’m delighted to share that I’m hosting the first MMA centric cooking show this summer on the TapouT Virtual Training website www.TapouTVTC.com. Each episode will feature guest MMA athletes who will learn to cook healthy versions of their favorite meals.

Ultimately I want to showcase that delicious healthy food doesn’t have to be expensive or time consuming. A focus on real food, not food products is the ideal way to promote athletic potential, efficient recovery and long-term health.

Check out Fuel the Fighter @

as well as on Facebook (Fuel the Fighter)

Check out this month's issue of FIGHT! magazine, on sale now. Inside you'll find P.R. Cole, as well as my fellow Ohio State Buckeye & MMA fan - Stacie Askins - pg. 46 Hard to miss this Buckeye Hottie!

Change in Plans

Hey Healthy is HOT!-ers ;) Sorry to say I won't be able to share Kelsey Webb, of the WNCI Morning Zoo, story. Her work felt it was too personal of a story to share. However I found great inspiration in her story and hope to keep working with Kelsey to find another way she can contribute to Healthy is HOT! As a public figure, I can understand that public image is something that is a great consideration. Kelsey's passion for fitness and healthy lifestyle is often evident on the morning show and I would like to thank her for her time and correspondance, hope to work with you in the future Kelsey! She was also recently voted in the top 10 hottest radio personalities in the nation. You can check out the Morning Zoo's website at DaveandJimmy.com or find them on Facebook (Dave and Jimmy Morning Show)

However, summer is on the horizon, only 3 finals away! Can't wait! :) Then I'll get to spend much more time on the blog. I would love to hear suggestions on topics you're interested in or features you'd like to see on Healthy is HOT! Email me suggestions at HealthyisHOT@gmail.com

I'm also excited to say I'm working on another story of motivation featuring a rising star in the MMA community. She's fueling the fighters, and the sports nutrition columnist in a popular MMA magazine. Her story is great and a huge inspiration (to me especially- this woman has my dream job!)

Watch for her story later today! :)